We build the world's first silicon recycler.
Circular Silicon stands for a sustainable production of metallurgical silicon.
We produce our green silicon by
recycling silicon waste from the solar industry.
Innovative ecological technology
The Circular Silicon recycling process in comparision to conventional silicon production
We don‘t use coal.
Conventionally silicon is industrially produced from quartz and coal in an electric arc furnace. By melting down and recycling silicon waste, we avoid the use of fossil resources. This way we save approx. 3 tons of CO2 per ton of silicon.
A sustainable solution for the recycling of Solar Panels
We spend less electricity.
Instead of the energy-intensive production of silicon from quartz and coal, our unique and patented process to transform recycled raw material into silicon, requires about 80% less energy.
We produce high quality silicon.
Our technology allows us to gradually reduce impurities in the silicon waste and in the end offer our customers the quality they are used to without compromise.
Innovative ecological technology
The Circular Silicon recycling process in comparision to conventional silicon production
Interessiert Sie, was wir tun? Kontaktieren Sie uns über das Kontaktformular oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht!
Julian Pudack
Managing Director Europe
Fokus: End-of-Life-PV Recycling für die Aluminiumindustrie
Dr. Jan-Philipp Mai
Managing Director Asia
Fokus: Produktionsabfälle für höherwertige Anwendung, z.B. Chemieindustrie.
Circular Silicon Europe GmbH
Friedrich-Seele-Str. 26
38122, Baunschweig
Circular SIlicon Ltd.
Unit 1017, Building 19W
No. 19 Science Park West Avenue
Hong Kong Science Park
Pak Shek Kok, N.T.
Interessiert Sie, was wir tun? Kontaktieren Sie uns über das Kontaktformular oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht!
Julian Pudack
Managing Director Europe
Fokus: End-of-Life-PV Recycling für die Aluminiumindustrie
Dr. Jan-Philipp Mai
Managing Director Asia
Fokus: Produktionsabfälle für höherwertige Anwendung, z.B. Chemieindustrie.
Circular Silicon Europe GmbH
Friedrich-Seele-Str. 26
38122, Baunschweig
Circular SIlicon Ltd.
Unit 1017, Building 19W
No. 19 Science Park West Avenue
Hong Kong Science Park
Pak Shek Kok, N.T.